Saturday, December 10, 2011

Wild Winds

A little while ago, we had some really bad wind. I woke up on that morning. It was 3 o'clock and the wind wasn't too bad. I went back to sleep and when I woke up again it was 6 o'clock. The wind was horrible and things were flying everywhere outside. 
Shingles, fencing, newspapers, and even a book order were flying everywhere. At about 6:30 the wind was so bad that it sounded like someone was stomping in the middle of my room. I went downstairs after my shower and watched everything fly around outside while I ate my breakfast. We listened to the radio waiting for someone to tell us that our school was canceled (yes, it was that bad.) No one said that school was out by the time that it was time to leave, so we went to school.
Brighton got to school and in 3rd period, the power went out so he had to come home. I went to school. There were trees that had fallen over on the road and a power line was hanging over the road, the power went out twice in school but we never got to come back home until school was out.
When we got home after school the power was out so we went to the store to do some errands. The store had power so we ate there. After eating, we went back home where the power was still out. My dad turned on the generator into a little heater and the DVR so that we could watch watch a movie. The power came back on for us at about 8:30. 
The next day there was no wind and they canceled school so that we could clean up. We fixed our fence that broke  down so that Coal could go outside again. We also cleaned up a bunch of leaves that flew into our flower beds and got tangled in the plants. We didn't get it all because we would get scratched by the plants.
Now Coal can go outside by himself because the fence is back up. The wind is fine and we still haven't gotten snow, which is really weird for Utah. I am so happy that the wind didn't come back and that we were able to fix the damage. Only fifteen more days until Christmas, MERRY CHRISTMAS!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Best Book Ever!

    There is no doubt about it my favorite book ever is The Sprightling Diaries: In the Twilight, the book that my mom wrote. She started working on it when I was six or seven when three of my cousins, my brothers, me, and my mom did a little summer school in our backyard for my little sister. My cousins would stay over and my mom had an idea to start a book. Together we made up Avril Holly and her town, Tresleton. Tresleton is a town full of sprightlings, people that are half faery who sprout wings at twilight. Avril and her town have to keep it a secret that they are half faery from all the humans, who can be dangerous.
     Avril begins to have weird headaches. Avril and her best friend Pasleigh are invited to party in the town next to theirs but there are two problems; it's after twilight and the other town is not a town for sprightlings. Instead of staying home from the party Avril and Pasleigh bind their wings and go. On the way back from the party Avril is attacked and someone saves her, but who?
     One rainy day when Avril and Veston, Pasleigh's brother, are riding home a shop the power goes out and Avril falls off her bike and has to go to Veston's house where she finds out that her headaches are the start of her mind reading powers. Together, Avril and Veston will have to save the town of sprightlings for the dangerous human who are trying to figure out their secrets.
       After making this up my mom typed it and ever since she finished it she has been trying to get the book published. One day this year during the summer while my dad was at work we (my mom, me, my little sister, and my two brothers) decided to go swimming after my mom got a rejection letter from a publishing company.  We went swimming and when we got home we were all talking about ways to improve the book to help it get published. While we were talking my mom checked her email and there was something we would never have thought would be there.
       It was a email from a publishing company saying that they were interested in the book! About three weeks later my mom got the contract and she signed it and sent it back. My aunt made some really good cover art for the book and my mom sent that to the publisher and they came up with a really good idea for the cover using the cover art that my aunt painted.
       Anyway the printing people said that they would try and get it printed soon and the publishing company said that the book will probably be coming out sometime in October. I can't wait for it to come out! Another thing is that when my mom was writing the book she said that if she got a contract signed to get the book published then she would get a double oven. Well she got the contract signed, so on her birthday we took her to RC Willy and got her a double oven which is so awesome!
I can't wait for the book to come out!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Leaping Lizards!

       I've had so much fun today! First I did all my chores and did normal stuff. After all that normal stuff we, my family, cleaned the car and garage. After we were done with that we had lunch and set up a lemonade stand with lemonade and chocolate chip cookies (my mom's, yum!) We decided to call out lemonade stand "Leapin' Lizards Lemonade.
        My brothers and I were all set up with books, (just in case we had long stretches of time with no one to buy the lemonade and chocolate chip cookies) cups, napkins, lemonade and chocolate chip cookies, and a glass jar for the money. I sat down with my brothers and almost as soon as I did so we got a customer (consumer, whatever.) Our first person was a UPS guy.  He bought a cookie. Two hours later we shut down.
         One thing that has made me laugh since last night was that we got this cuckoo clock from our grandma and grandpa and my mom and dad set it. Now every time that the cuckoo bird comes out my little brother has to see it. When we were out at Leapin' Lizards Lemonade my little brother had to go inside 5 minutes before it rang so he didn't miss it. This has made me laugh silently so hard!

Friday, March 25, 2011

My Newest Poem

When I am in darkness only one thing can save me, Keelie can. She lights my path, my way back. When nothing is bright one thing can save me, Keelie can. She's my little light, my little angel.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Today the Sky is Grey

I'm tired of the wet and cold weather! The sky is never grey and right when it seems to be Spring it snows. My question has been the same for many months and that question will remain the same until Sunday. My question is, "When will it be Spring?"
 I've been watching and waiting for the flowers to start blooming ever since it seemed to get warmer. The flowers have finally bloomed. The problem with flowers at our house is that Keelie will go into the yard and the first thing she does is walk over to the flower bed and pulls out the petals.
  I think my whole family is happy for Spring to come. We are all tired of the snow, the cold and getting sick. Every one say "Hip hip hooray for Spring!"

Thursday, March 17, 2011

My Best Christmas Present Ever

  This present was the best. He is grey and furry and so cute. He follows me around and loves it when I pick him up. He is my new dog. For those who know me you should know that I've always wanted a dog. My new dog is named Coal. I know that I've been with him for a little more than 2 months and haven't told you but it is because I've been very up and about.
   I think Coal is the best present I've ever gotten. Coal is 4 years old which means he is 28 in dog years. I was wondering if you would like to know the story of the night that I got Coal. Well if you do then here it is.
  I was playing a game with all of my cousins that were over for Christmas. Well it was Christmas Eve and we were all excited for the games that we played for Christmas. I was sitting on the couch when we heard footsteps from my dad.
  When the footsteps stopped my dad called, "Paige, Aiden, Brighton come up stairs!"I moaned and asked him why. He said that there were some visitors. I moaned because I didn't want to go. I was tired of all the people coming over and giving us all kinds of treats  for Christmas. "Dad, do I have to come upstairs?" I asked.
 My dad said that I had to go up so I did.  I walked up the stairs ready to go into the kitchen. The doorbell rang and I went to go get it. My mom ran to go get the camera as I opened the door. In front of me was a kennel. Inside there was something furry with longish fur.
  My heart leaped. It was a dog! I ran outside onto the porch, right by the kennel and took off the letter attached. This is the letter, though this is mot word for word. It said:
 Dear Children,
  Your parents and I have agreed to let you have a dog for Christmas. This is the dog we gave you. His name is Greice which is Spanish for grey. You can also call him Coal, though. Greice is 4 years old. You will have to feed him and water him everyday. Coal speaks foreign Spanish but he will catch on with English. Take care of him.
                                                                                                         Santa Claus