Have you ever been really, really bored? That's how I'm feeling right now. T.V is boring. My iPod has no apps that are really fun. I'm loving the book that I am reading is one of the best books that I've ever read but it's short so I want to save the ending. It's called The Silent Boy. It's by Lois Lowry, who, in my opinion, is the second best author ever. The best author that I know is my mom. I have no idea what I should do. I asked two of my cousins. Their ideas were to play outside and the other one didn't even know what to do. Any ideas? If you have any ideas please tell me, post a comment. The book that I am writing right now I have been writing for a while. It's called Sea Quests: Desert Cure.
It's about three friends (Victoria, Eliza, and James) who have to go on a mission. There are five regions, sea/ocean, forest, desert, sky, and marsh. Eliza, Victoria, and James live in the sea or ocean region. The ocean and the sea are divided by a part of the forest region. The necklaces that the people wear around their neck tell people where they live. When the necklace gets dimmer, they will get sick. When the necklace goes black, they will die. The reason that James, Eliza, and Victoria have to go on the mission is because people in their region's necklaces are getting dimmer. The only way to stop the sea from becoming extinct is to get the cure from the desert. So far the book is 65 pages long with twelve size font and small margins. I'm stuck in at the place that I am, though. I can't think of what to write!
Well, I'll write to you later. Sigh.